Christianity in Egypt: Literary production and intellectual trends

PREZZO : EUR 88,00€
CODICE: ISBN 8879611356 EAN 9788879611350
Edited by: , Contributors: , , Theofried Baumeister, Alessandro Bausi, Heike Behlmer, Philippe Blaudeau, Anne Boud'Hors, Edda Bresciani, Dmitrij F. Bumazhnov, Johannes Den Heijer, Perrine Pilette, Sergio Donadoni, Stephen Emmel, Claudio Gianotto, James E. Goehring, David Johnson, Bentley Layton, Gaetano Lettieri, Enzo Lucchesi, Sergio Pernigotti, Emanuela Prinzivalli, Mark Sheridan, Manlio Simonetti, Alin Suciu, Einar Thomassen, Janet Timbie, Sofía Torallas Tovar, John D. Turner, Jacques Van der Vliet, Sever J. Voicu, Ewa Wipszycka

Christianity in Egypt: Literary production and intellectual trends

PREZZO : EUR 88,00€

ISBN 8879611356
EAN 9788879611350

Edited by: , Contributors: , , Theofried Baumeister, Alessandro Bausi, Heike Behlmer, Philippe Blaudeau, Anne Boud'Hors, Edda Bresciani, Dmitrij F. Bumazhnov, Johannes Den Heijer, Perrine Pilette, Sergio Donadoni, Stephen Emmel, Claudio Gianotto, James E. Goehring, David Johnson, Bentley Layton, Gaetano Lettieri, Enzo Lucchesi, Sergio Pernigotti, Emanuela Prinzivalli, Mark Sheridan, Manlio Simonetti, Alin Suciu, Einar Thomassen, Janet Timbie, Sofía Torallas Tovar, John D. Turner, Jacques Van der Vliet, Sever J. Voicu, Ewa Wipszycka


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XXIV-640 pages
1 plate


page V P. Buzi - A. Camplani, Introduction
XI Tito Orlandi: Publications on Christian Egypt and Coptic Literature
1 Th. Baumeister, Charisma und Beichte im frühen ägyptischen Mönchtum
19 A. Bausi, La nuova versione etiopica detta Traditio apostolica: edizione e traduzione preliminare
71 H. Behlmer, Female Figures in Coptic Hagiographical Texts - Update and Preliminary Results
87 Ph. Blaudeau, Un archevêque d'Alexandrie assassin? Retour sur une incrimination lancée à l'encontre de Dioscore 1er
101 A. Boud'Hors, L'Allocutio ad Monachos d'Athanase d'Alexandrie (CPG 2186): nouveaux fragments coptes
159 E. Bresciani, Una scultura lignea copta. Rivisitando Medinet Madi
165 D. Bumazhnov, Kann man Gott festhalten? Eine frühchristliche Diskussion und deren Hintergründe
177 P. Buzi, Miscellanee e florilegi. Osservazioni preliminari per uno studio dei codici copti pluritestuali: il caso delle raccolte di excerpta
205 A. Camplani, A Syriac fragment from the Liber historiarum by Timothy Aelurus (CPG 5486), the Coptic Church History, and the archives of the bishopric of Alexandria
227 J. Den Heijer - P. Pilette, Murqus Simaika (1864 - 1944) et l'historiographie copto-arabe: à propos du manuscrit Musée Copte, Hist. 1
251 S. Donadoni, Una homologia del presbitero Severo
257 S. Emmel, On Using "Proportional Extension of Text" as a Criterion for Placing Fragments in a Dismembered Codex
279 C. Gianotto, L'interpretazione del mito delle origini di Gen. 1-3 nel Vangelo secondo Tommaso e negli Atti di Tommaso
289 J. E. Goehring, The Ship of the Pachomian Federation: Metaphor and Meaning in a Late Account of Pachomian Monasticism
305 D. Johnson, Monastic Propaganda: The Coptic Hilaria Legend
325 B. Layton, Punishing the Nuns: A Reading of Shenoute's Letters to the Nuns in Canons Book Four
347 G. Lettieri, Il frutto valentiniano
369 E. Lucchesi, Regards nouveaux sur la littérature copte
415 S. Pernigotti, Tra gli abitanti di Bakchias: culture a confronto
427 E. Prinzivalli, Origene e lo strano caso dell'omelia 39 su Luca
443 M. Sheridan, The Encomium in the Coptic Literature of the Late Sixth Century
465 M. Simonetti, Tra Atanasio e Melezio
477 A. Suciu - E. Thomassen, An Unknown "Apocryphal" Text from the White Monastery
501 J. Timbie, The Interpretation of the Solomonic Books in Coptic Monastic Texts: "Reading" Community
513 S. Torallas-Tovar, A Coptic Exegetical Text on Daniel 8,5-18: A Parchment Codex Page From Montserrat
523 J.D. Turner, Coptic Renditions of Greek Metaphysics: The Platonizing Sethian Treatises Zostrianos and Allogenes
555 J. Van der Vliet, Literature, Liturgy, magic: a dynamic continuum
575 S.J. Voicu, Per una lista delle opere trasmesse in copto sotto il nome di Giovanni Crisostomo
611 E. Wipszycka, Le lettere di Sinesio come fonte per la storia del patriarcato alessandrino
621 Index of ancient authors and works
629 Index of modern names
638 Index of the volume

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